

29 December 2010

Salt Can Be Bad For Kids Too

High blood pressure in children has doubled in the last 20 years and it could be due to too much salt. A recent survey of studies showed that reducing children's salt intake can lower their blood pressure, which in turn lowers the risk of heart disease later in life, says Consensus Action on Salt and Health.

Processed food is a major culprit, though it's now easier to find lower salt content products (check the label), A six-year-old should have no more than 3g of salt a day, so try to limit intake to 1g for each main meal and avoid adding salt when cooking. For more information on healthy eating, visit

Reader's Digest, February 2008

28 December 2010

How to Recognise a Gifted Child

It is important to recognise a gifted child in order to help promote his or her intelligence, curiosity and desire to learn. Most of these children are never recognised and so their potential is not developed correctly. A gifted child is not agenius and does not have to know everything or do things out of the ordinary, such as play the piano at the age of three. They are children who are basically differentiated from others in their ability to learn much faster and go more deeply into subjects.
Some of the characteristics of a gifted child are:

1. They generally walk and speak before their first year of age.

2. They tend to use very rich language and adultlike vocabulary.

3. They easily understand and remember the information they are given.

4. They generate a great quantity of ideas and solutions to problems.

5. They have a well-developed sense of humor.

6. They have a great deal of curiosity, which makes them question everything.

7. They usually worry about the problems in the world.

8. They adore reading.

9. They like complicated board games.

10. They are leaders.

11. They presevere (they concentrate on a task and persist until they finish it)

12. They have a high level of self-judgement, demand much of themselves, and tend to be dissatisfied.

13. They prefer to work independent and do not need much help.

14. They are vulnerable to the rejection of their classmates.

From "How to Stimulate Your Child's Intelligence"

Reader's Digest, February 2008

22 December 2010

How much TV should kids be allowed to watch?

By Dr John Medina, USA

THE issue of kids’ exposure to TV doesn’t throw off as many sparks as it used to. There is general agreement that a child’s exposure to television of any type should be limited. There is also general agreement that we are completely ignoring this advice.

I remember as a kid waiting every Sunday night for Walt Disney’s “Wonderful World of Color” to come on, and loving it. I also remember my parents turning off the television when it was over. We don’t do that anymore.

Americans two years of age and older now spend an average of four hours and 49 minutes per day in front of the TV – 20% more than 10 years ago. And we are getting this exposure at younger and younger ages, made all the more complex because of the wide variety of digital screen time now available.

Medina: Keep the TV out of the kids’ room.

In 2003, 77 percent of kids under six watched television every day. And children younger than two got two hours and five minutes of “screen time” with TVs and computers per day.

What effect might this have on our children’s brains? It’s not good news.

For decades we have known of the connection between hostile peer interactions and the amount of kids’ exposure to television.

The linkage used to be controversial (maybe aggressive people watch more TV than others), but we now see that it’s an issue of our deferred-imitation abilities, coupled with a loss of impulse control.

One personal example: When I was in kindergarten, my best friend and I were watching “The Three Stooges,” a 1950s TV show. The programme involved lots of physical comedy, including people sticking their fingers in other people’s eyes.

When the show was over, my friend fashioned his little fingers into a V, then quickly poked me in both eyes. I couldn’t see anything for the next hour and was soon whisked to the emergency room. Diagnosis: scratched corneas and a torn eye muscle.

Other examples come from studies that looked at bullying, attentions spans and the ability to focus, and secondhand exposure to TV.

Disturbing stuff. Since the first studies on television, researchers have discovered that not everything about TV is negative. The effect depends upon the content of the TV show, the age of the child, and perhaps even the child’s genetics. Before age two, TV is best avoided completely.

That includes videos that claim to be baby brain-boosters. (More on that, and video games, in my new book, “Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart, Happy Child from Zero to Five.”)

After age five, the jury is out on this harsh verdict – way out, in fact. Some television shows improve brain performance at this age. Not surprisingly, these shows tend to be the interactive types (“Dora the Explorer,” good; “Barney and Friends,” bad, according to certain studies).

So, although the case is overwhelming that television exposure should be limited, TV cannot be painted with a monolithic brush.

Here are a few recommendations for TV viewing the data suggest:

Keep the TV off before the child turns two. I know this is tough to hear for parents who need a break. If you can’t turn it off – if you haven’t created those social networks that can allow you a rest – at least limit your child’s exposure to TV.

We live in the real world, after all, and an irritated, overextended parent can be just as harmful to a child’s development as an annoying purple dinosaur.

After age two, help your children choose the shows (and other screen-based exposures) they will experience. Pay special attention to any media that allow intelligent interaction.

Watch the chosen TV show with your kids, interacting with the media, helping them to analyse and think critically about what they just experienced.

And keep the TV out of the kids’ room: Kids with their own TVs score an average of eight points lower on math and language-arts tests than those in households with TVs in the family room.

To watch related videos and for more information, please visit

Dr John Medina will hold live seminars for parents in Klang Valley and Sarawak next year.

21 December 2010

Mengajak Anak Memasak Bersama

Alam kanak-kanak sentiasa dipenuhi oleh benda baru. Ia suatu proses pembelajaran biarpun usianya baru setahun jagung. Jadi, sudah pasti banyak perkara yang mahu dicubanya termasuklah membantu ibunya memasak dan menyediakan hidangan di dapur. Ini biasanya dilakukan oleh anak perempuan. Namun, peranan anda sebagai ibu amat penting bagi memantau keselamatannya. Panduan berikut boleh dimanfaatkan.

Buat pemantauan
Pemantauan berterusan perlu dilakukan untuk menjaga keselamatan anak anda tidak kiralah anak anda itu sudah mahir di dapur atau tidak. Sentiasalah memerhati gerak gerinya ketika di dapur. Tegur dengan segera jika dia melakukan kesilapan.

Tetapkan peraturan
Gunakan ayat yang ringkas dan mudah difahami untuk membuat peraturan keselamatan yang perlu diturutiny
a. Terangkan kepada anak semua peraturan itu. Jika anak anda enggan ikut peraturan, bermakna dia masih belum bersedia untuk bersama anda di dapur.

Sesuaikan waktu
Bukan semua waktu memasak sesuai dilakukan bersama anak, lebih-lebih lagi jika anda berada di dalam keadaan yang tergesa-gesa. Mungkin anda tidak dapat memantau anak. Mungkin juga dia akan melakukan kesilapan hingga menyebabkan kecederaan dirinya. Pastikan suasana dapur dalam keadaan selesa semasa si kecil membantu anda di dapur.

Penjelasan ringkas
Kanak-kanak hanya akan merasa seronok jika dapat memban tu ib unya di dapur tanpa memikir kan bahaya yang mungkin dihadapinya. Jadi, sebelum memasak terangkan kepadanya akiba t jika dia main-main atau tidak serius.

Nilaikan kelayakan
Tidak semua anak kecil boleh dibenarkan berlegar bebas di dapur apatah lagi jika anda sedang memasak. Nilai sejauh mana anak anda dapat membantu anda di dapur. Jika dia masih terlalu kecil, sukar dipantau dan tidak betah duduk diam lebih baik jauhkan dia dari ruang dapur.

Bantu dan ajar anak
Jika anak anda baru belajar menggunakan perkakasan dapur atau memotong bawang, bantunya terlebih dahulu. Peralatan seperti pisau membahayakan dirinya. Pemantauan daripada anda dapat mengelakkan kecederaan.

Tugasan bersesuaian
Jika anda mahu memberikan sebarang tugasan kepadanya, lihat dahulu sejauh mana kebolehann ya. Lihat kepada usia dan kemahiran yang ada padanya. Jika anak anda itu rendah dari pada ketinggian dapur dan masih belum pandai mengguna kan senduk, usahlah sesekali memin tanya mengacau gulai di dapur.

One Potato, Two Potato

One Potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more

The Muffin Man

Oh, do you know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man?
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
who lives on Drury Lane?

Why, yes I know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, yes I know the muffin man,
who lives on Drury Lane.

Now, two of us know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man
Two of us know the muffin man,
who lives on Drury Lane!

Oh, do you know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man?
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
who lives on Drury Lane?

Oh, yes I know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, yes I know the muffin man,
who lives on Drury Lane.

Now, four of us know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man
Four of us know the muffin man,
who lives on Drury Lane!

Oh, do you know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man?
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
who lives on Drury Lane?

Oh, yes I know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, yes I know the muffin man,
who lives on Drury Lane.

Now, all of us know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man
All of us know the muffin man
who lives on Drury Lane.

Lazy Mary

Lazy Mary, will you get up, will you get up, will you get up?
Lazy Mary, will you get up, will you get up today.

No, no Mother, I won't get up, I won't get up, I won't get up,
No, no Mother, I won't get up, I won't get up today.

Oh dear Mary, you must get up, you must get up, you must get up
Oh dear Mary, you must get up, you must get up today.

Yes dear mother, I will get up, I will get up, I will get up,
Yes their mother I will get up, I will get up today.

The Old Gray Mare

Oh, the old gray mare,
she ain't what she used to be,
ain't what she used to be,
ain't what she used to be,
The old gray mare,
she ain't what she used to be,
Many long years ago.

Many long years ago.
Many long years ago.
The old gray mare,
she ain't what she used to be,
Many long years ago.

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the King's horses and all the King's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Alternative Words...

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty dumpty had a great fall;
Threescore men and threescore more,
Could not place Humpty as he was before.

Klik untuk aktiviti 'paint':


Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,
baker's man.
Bake me a cake
as fast as you can.
Pat it and shape it and
mark it with 'B'
And bake it in the oven
for baby and me.

Do the following motions with the traditional song:
- Clap your hands or pat hands with a partner when you hear the words "Pat-A-Cake"
- Pat your knees, roll your hands, and draw the letter 'B' in the air with your finger
- Push an imaginary cake in the oven

Do these motions with the new verses:
- Pretend you are holding a baby in your arms, and rock it to sleep
- Imagine you are falling to sleep with your baby
- Wake up when you hear the bell ring
- Clap your hands when you hear the words "Pat-A-Cake"
- Take your imaginary cake out of the oven
- Blow on your cake, pretend to frost it and draw the letter 'B' in the frosting
- Pantomime putting the cake on a table
- Pretend to eat the cake

Do this song with a partner. Pat hands together then pretend one person's hand is the cake. Pat the cake, roll it and mark it with a 'B.' During the second verse, one person rocks the other. The person being rocked pretends to fall asleep. The sleeping partner wakes up with the sound of the bell. Once again, pat hands together, then cool, frost, and serve your cake.

Klik untuk permainan 'online':

Apple and Banana

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas


I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays
I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays


I like to eat, eat, eat ee-ples and bee-nee-nees
I like to eat, eat, eat ee-ples and bee-nee-nees


I like to ite,ite,ite, i-ples and by-ny-nys
I like to ite,ite,ite, i-ples and by-ny-nys


I like to ote, ote, ote oh-ples and bo-no-nos
I like to ote, ote, ote oh-ples and bo-no-nos


I like to oot, oot, oot oo-ples and boo-noo-noos
I like to oot, oot, oot oo-ples and boo-noo-noos

20 December 2010

30 cara latih si kecil

Ingin tahu bagaimana melatih si kecil dengan cara yang mudah melalui 30 idea yang merangkumi kraf, muzik dan lukisan. Mudah untuk anda, mudah untuk si kecil! Pasti anda dan si kecil ‘sibuk’ sepanjang hari.

1.Kemas baju
Ambil pakaian yang hendak dibasuh dan sebutkan warnanya. Kemudian biarkan dia memasukkan pakaian itu ke dalam bakul pakaian untuk dibasuh. .

2. Mewarna
Beri si kecil air, kertas lukisan dan berus. Dan biarkan dia ‘cat’ mengikut kreativitinya.

3. Main pasir
Letak sedikit pasir dalam bekas dan masukkan mainan kecil yang disembunyikan di dalamnya. Berikan penyeduk pasir kecil untuk dia mulakan pencarian ‘harta karun’ itu.

4. Permainan adunan.
Ambil tepung dan air. Biarkan si kecil anda menggaul adunan itu dengan senduk kayu. Buatkan adunan itu menjadi bebola kecil. Pengalaman yang menakjubkannya!

5. Pilih dan cari
Guna gula-gula yang berwarna-warni dan letakkan dalam mangkuk. Si kecil akan mengasingkan gula-gula mengikut warna dalam bekas yang berlainan.

6. Laman web
Cari laman web yang mempunyai karakter yang menjadi kegemaran si kecil. Pastikan laman web itu berwarna-warni dan mempunyai melodi.

7. Bersihkan
Biarkan dia membasuh set pinggan plastiknya. Berikan span dan bekas yang dipenuhi buih sabun untuk dia membasuh. Dia akan merasa dirinya dihargai.

8. Anak patung kecil
Keluarkan anak patung mainan lamanya. Sudah lama dia tidak bermain dengan mainan itu dan sudah pasti diakan menyukai mainan lamanya itu.

9. Menari dan membaca
Dapatkan buku yang mempunyai CD. Setelah si kecil seronok melihat gambar yang berwarna-warni dalam buku, dia akan menari mengikut rentak muzik dalam CD itu.

10. Teka barang mainan
Bungkus beberapa barang mainan kesukaannya. Biarkan dia membukanya untuk meneka mainan itu. Jangan guna terlalu banyak pelekat. Biarkan dia membuka dengan mudah pembalut itu.

11. Album gambar
Guna buku nota dan beberapa gambar anda, suami dan keluarga. Bantu anak anda untuk menampal gambar itu dan sementara itu tanya, adakah dia mengenali orang dalam gambar itu.

12. Main buih
Tiup buih sabun. Anda boleh membuat buih sabun ketika si kecil mandi dengan sampu dan mandian badannya.

13. Ikut saya
Biarkan si kecil anda mengikut anda- melompat, menari, berjalan dengan pantas dan duduk. Kemudian anda pula mengikut pergerakannya.

14. Permainan muzik
Mainkan muzik, kemudian beritahu dia perlu duduk dengan cepat apabila muzik berhenti. Pasti si kecil suka!

15. Buat peti surat
Guna bekas bijirin lama dan cat warna merah untuk buat peti surat. Potong kertas untuk membuat sampul surat dan setem untuk dia poskan ke dalam peti surat buatan itu. Dia akan berasa bangga apabila diberi tanggungjawab

19. Rakam aksinya
Rakam aksinya. Kemudian tunjukkan kepadanya aksi-aksinya yang mencuit hati. Pasti dia akan gembira melihat rakaman aksi spontannya.

20. Ke taman permainan
Bawa bola dan anak patung bersama. Anda dan si kecil pasti seronok bermain bersama dengan udara pagi yang segar.

21. Kentang bercorak
Potong kentang beberapa keling dan bentuk beberapa saiz dan corak pada kentang. Biarkan si kecil menyapu pewarna air dan menampalkan di atas kertas lukisan. Lihat dia berjaya melakukannya!

22. Buat kolaj
Kanak-kanak suka menampal. Gunakan kertas warna-warni, kapas dan kain untuk ditampal.

23. Kuih tat
Si kecil pasti suka membuat gulungan pastri apabila membuat kuih tat.

24. Permainan pasta
Berikan dia pasta, contohnya spageti yang kering, mangkuk dan bekas minum plastik. Biarkan dia asyik bermain dengannya!

25. Minum petang
Sediakan kain dan buatkan makanan untuk si kecil minum petang. ‘Jemput’ sekali anak patung kesayangannya ‘minum’ bersama-sama.

26. Alam semula jadi
Biarkan dia keluar di sekitar rumah. Berikan bakul untuk dia kumpul daun dan bunga.

27. Lampu isyarat
Anda adalah polis dan si kecil adalah kereta. Apabila anda berkata, ‘merah’, dia akan berhenti. Dan apabila ‘hijau’, dia akan bergerak.

28. Cerita lucu
Ceritakan suatu kisah lucu. Dan anda ketawa. Pasti si kecil akan turut ketawa sama.

29. Khemah
Susun kerusi dan letakkan kain di atas kerusi itu seakan khemah. Biarkan dia berimaginasi seketika.

30. ‘Kilang’ ais krim
Letakkan satu skop ais krim warna krim dalam mangkuk. Kemudian biarkan dia pilih ais krim berwarna untuk diletakkan pada bahagian atasnya sebagai hiasan.

Kudapan Sihat Untuk Anak

Penting bagi ibu bapa tahu apa kudapan atau snek yang berkhasiat dan bermanfaat untuk anak-anak. Kesilapan memilih snek yang betul untuk anak boleh menjejaskan kesihatan mereka. Teruskan bersama NAROSWATI NAIB untuk mengetahui snek apa yang sesuai untuk anak.

Kudapan yang perlu dielak :

Terlalu manis
Biskut yang ada di pasaran biasanya tidak mendatangkan kesan buruk terhadap kesihatan kanak-kanak. Tetapi, jika biskut itu terlalu manis seperti biskut gula, elakkanlah. Seeloknya, kandungan gula yang terkandung dalam makanan untuk anak perlulah seminimum yang boleh.

Pastikan anda tidak biasakan anak dengan makanan bergaram terutamanya bagi anak yang masih kecil. Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang (CAP) melaporkan makanan ringan yang menjadi kegemaran kanak-kanak mengandungi dua kali ganda garam melebihi kadar yang selamat untuk orang dewasa. Kanak-kanak menanggung risiko kesihatan lebih besar kerana tubuh mereka lebih sukar menyingkirkan natrium berbanding dengan orang dewasa.

5 Nutrisi Penting Untuk Anak

Pastikan 5 nutrisi ini ada dalam menu yang anda hidangkan untuk anak setiap hari agar tumbesaran mereka tidak terjejas. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut? Teruskan bersama NAROSWATI NAIB.

1. Kalsium
Kalsium sangat baik untuk tubuh kerana berfungsi untuk menguatkan otot, mengekalkan penghasilan tenaga dan menguatkan jantung. Selain itu, kalsium juga dapat menguatkan tulang dan mengelakkan anak daripada risiko tekanan darah tinggi. Kalsium boleh didapati daripada susu, produk tenusu, buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran.

2. Magnesium
Sebagai salah satu nutrien yang penting, pengambilan magnesium yang mencukupi banyak faedahnya. Antaranya ialah memperbaiki kemampuan jantung, mengekalkan sistem imunisasi tubuh, meningkatkan penghasilan tenaga dan membina tulang yang sihat. Untuk memastikan anak mendapat magnesium yang mencukupi, berilah mereka makanan sayuran hijau, kekacang dan gandum.

3. Serat
Pengambilan makanan yang kaya serat baik untuk sistem penghadaman anak. Bukan itu sahaja, malah serat dapat membantu mengelakkan anak daripada serangan penyakit jantung, masalah kolesterol, tekanan darah tinggi dan memastikan berat badan anak berada dalam lingkungan yang sepatutnya. Antara makanan yang tinggi kandungan seratnya ialah bijirin sarapan pagi, sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan.

4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D sangat baik untuk sistem imunisasi anak agar dia tidak mudah dijangkiti penyakit. Vitamin D juga membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan kekuatan tulang anak. Vitamin jenis ini boleh didapati dengan mudah daripada ikan dan susu.

5. Vitamin E
Untuk mengelakkan daripada serangan radikal bebas, pastikan anak mendapat vitamin E yang secukupnya. Vitamin ini juga membantu membina sistem imunisasi badan dan mengekalkan metabolisme. Vitamin E terdapat dalam makanan sayuran hijau seperti bayam.

Have rules vs no rules

Posted by: Brigitte Rozario Post(s) by this blogger

Is it better to have rules or have no rules when bringing up children? On one hand having rules helps guide them and teach them about what is acceptable behaviour. On the other hand, rules can be stifling and they tend to limit children's creativity, preventing them from thinking for themselves and thinking out of the box.

Let's see what a psychologist and a parent have to say on the matter.

Selina Ding

Selina Ding, educational and clinical psychologist:

"It depends on what type of rules you are talking about. We human beings are always governed by law. In any country there are rules. If you want to bring up children without rules it will be quite tough because children being children, they do not know how to control themselves because they are not mature enough to make decisions and solve problems.

I believe rules are important, especially so for children with learning disabilities like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). If you don't set rules for them they will overrule others and distract the other children. If you don't set rules for them it will be hard to control them in places like the shopping mall.

So, rules are important especially if you want to guide them against doing things that are socially not acceptable.

But if you have too many rules then the child feels very restricted and suppressed. Children are like that. If you tell them don't do something, they will do it.

So, you need to strike a balance between having rules and not having rules. Rules are important to mould children to have morals and values. However, without rules children will be empowered to do things beyond our imagination. Having no rules is good if it leads to something positive but if without rules they just run wild then it's not good. So we need to strike a balance.

We have many types of parenting styles but the three common ones are the authoritative, autocratic and permissive. Autocratic parents are those who are very strict with rules. The parent has all the say and the child has no say. When they are younger, the children will listen to you because they don't have any power but when they become adolescents, they have verbal power (they can talk back), behaviour power (if they go silent) and motive power (you do not know what they are doing behind your back).

By late adolescence when you realise your rules are too strict it's too late because by then the child might not be talking to you and there's no communication. If you are too strict the child might become very timid, a follower and not a leader and an introvert. Because they are not allowed to express themselves, they internalise everything and this can lead to a lot of emotional problems. This will also affect their parenting style when they grow up and become parents themselves.

There is another type of parent who doesn't set rules. This is the permissive parent. This is when anything goes and you find the child is doing anything he or she wants to including hitting others. That is also very bad, I think. In this case the child will turn out too daring and bold or does not respect others' rights.

I think that parents should take the middle path and strike a balance. This is what we call authoritative parenting.

If you are not too strict all the time, it will encourage the child to be more creative and he or she can develop a healthy personality. When the rules are not too strict, the child can explore and when the child has problems the child will always come back to you.

Rules must come with love. Don't set rules without love."

Nur Anastasia Abdullah, mother of two:

"It is important to have rules when bringing up children. Rules are important because as parents, it is our duty to set boundaries for our children in order to guide them in their actions. When parents set rules, they should take the responsibility to explain to the child the reason for the particular rule and the pros and cons of the said rule. This will help the child to understand better and be able to differentiate between right and wrong.

When my children were toddlers, I had rules for mostly everything. However as they were growing up and proved that they could be trusted to do the right thing, the rules reduced over the years. Sometimes a new set of rules will have to come in as children grow and enter different phases in their lives, e.g. becoming teenagers.

If our children do wrong by the rules, we must talk to them and find out the reason for their actions as sometimes, things could seem different from a child's point of view. Parents are not always in the right just because they are adults and we must remember that rules are there for a reason and not seen as punishment by the children.

My siblings and I were raised with rules and as we were growing up there were times that I used to think my parents were not fair. However, my parents took the time to explain to us the reason they had certain rules and we understood that they were only doing it because they loved us.

I am very grateful to my parents for their rules as it is because of their actions that I have become the person I am today and am able to bring up my children in a responsible manner.

When children do not know how to differentiate between right and wrong, they will not know whether their actions are acceptable or unacceptable and thus will not respect other people and their surroundings.

An example of a basic rule: Children should be taught from young not to interrupt a conversation. If children are not taught this basic rule, they will interrupt conversations even when they become adults as they do not see anything wrong with this.

I taught my children when they were toddlers that if they wanted to interrupt while I was talking to another person, they should count till 10 before interrupting. As they grew older and could understand more, I explained to them that they should think if it was really urgent to speak their mind at that time or if they should wait longer.

When children have been following rules from young, it becomes a way of life and eventually they will be able to determine on their own whether they have acted in a responsible manner or not. What I did to teach my children to think on their own was to explain to them the possible consequences of following / not following a rule. I would ask them to chose the path they wanted and ask them to explain to me the reason they chose the particular path. In this way, they learned from young to think responsibly on their own.

In my opinion, parents will still be able to bring up their children without any rules, if they choose to, but in most cases where this happens, children grow to become irresponsible adults."


Rasa kiwi yang manis dan warna isinya yang segar kehijauan sentiasa membuatkan buah kecil berbulu halus ini suatu pilihan yang versatil. Samada dijadikan snek buah-buahan, jus atau hiasan tartlet, saiz kiwi yang kecil sangat padat dengan zat penting termasuk digelar juara buah-buahan serta heavyweight terkecil di dunia. Menerusi buah kiwi Zespri™ New Zealand, terdapat dua jenis yang popular di pasaran iaitu hijau dan emas.

Menghindari penyakit
Kesibukan tugas kerapkali membuatkan tubuh anda kekurangan zat makanan. Hal ini boleh melemahkan sistem imunisasi dan membuatkan anda mudah diserang penyakit. Pengambilan buah kiwi secara berterusan dapat melindungi tubuh daripada jangkitan penyakit kerana sifatnya yang kaya dengan vitamin, zat galian serta anti-oksidan.

Telah terbukti bahawa vitamin C memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pengimunan tubuh. Isi buah kiwi adalah sumber Vitamin C yang luar biasa dan ia juga mengandungi jumlah vitamin C yang sama dengan dua biji oren. Ini terbukti amat berkesan dalam melancarkan perpindahan plasma dan penyimpanan bersel vitamin C di dalam tubuh. Buah kiwi juga adalah sumber terbaik bagi antioksidan larut lemak dan vitamin E yang penting. Gabungan kedua-dua antioksiden larut air dan larut lemak membolehkan buah kiwi melindungi tubuh dari radikal bebas.

Selain daripada vitamin dan antioksidan, buah kiwi mengandungi kuantiti potasium yang sama dengan sebiji pisang selain kaya dengan beta-karotina dan zat galian yang lain seperti magnesium, zink, zat besi dan fosforus. Kandungan vitamin C dan karotenoid dalam buah kiwi turut membantu dalam penyerapan zat besi. Ia juga menyimpan enzim proteolisis yang digelar actinidin untuk meningkatkan penghadaman protein daging, susu, kekacang dan bijirin. Maka secara tidak langsung, ia adalah baik untuk usus anda juga.

Miliki usus yang sihat
Mengalami sembelit adalah perkara biasa bagi kebanyakan wanita. Tetapi jika anda mengambil sebiji buah kiwi dalam diet harian, anda tidak perlu risau lagi. Buah kiwi mengandungi banyak serat yang serupa dengan semangkuk bran. Maka, ia dapat memberikan kelegaan daripada kesan sembelit.

Buah kiwi juga sesuai diambil oleh pesakit kencing manis. Ia merupakan sumber tenaga yang penting, malah kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa ia mengandungi indeks glisemia 52, iaitu tahap sederhana ke rendah bagi setiap hidangan 120 gm (sebiji kiwi saiz besar). Ini bermakna tahap glukosa darah tidak akan bertambah secara mendadak.

Buah kiwi adalah pilihan berkhasiat bagi pesakit kencing manis yang memerlukan perangsang tenaga
sepanjang hari, berbanding dengan snek yang tinggi kandungan lemak atau gula.

Should children earn their pocket money?

Posted by: Brigitte Rozario Post(s) by this blogger

Should children have to earn pocket money by doing chores around the house? Some argue that making children earn their pocket money makes them more responsible. Others say certain chores should be done regardless of the pocket money given.

Let's see what a professional trainer/author and a developmental psychologist have to say about this.

Jamilah Samian

Jamilah Samian, certified professional trainer and author of Cool Mum Super Dad and Cool Boys Super Sons:

"I give my children pocket money on a daily basis because although the school provides food it's not enough for them. There is a cafe in the school where they can buy food.

For me, when it comes to giving them housework it depends on what kind of housework. Some things like washing the dishes or cleaning their own room are things they have to do and they are not going to get paid for doing that. That is expected of them.

However, if they do something extra like teaching other young children then maybe I might give them some extra reward. When my children reach secondary school, they have to do some voluntary work. So, I might pay them a very minimal amount of money based on the effort. Part of it is voluntary but maybe later I might give them a little bit just as additional pocket money.

It's just a token sum and it's only towards the end of their voluntary work. I don't want them to do it because of the money.

Apart from that I don't give them pocket money per se. I am quite strict about that. If you want something, you have to earn it.

If they want to buy a toy, they have to save up the pocket money that I give them every day.

There is a difference between their needs and wants. Their needs are something we parents provide. The wants are something they should earn themselves.

I don't give them pocket money during the school holidays. I don't see why I need to give them pocket money then when everything is provided for."

Elaine Yong

Elaine Yong, developmental psychologist and Sunway University College lecturer:

"I think to a certain degree the bare minimum is necessary. They need money for recess time at school. But if they want extra, that's when I would get them to earn it.

If they want to buy a toy or a game, then I would ask them to earn the money to buy that because then it gives them an idea of what it takes to save the money and that it's not easily earned and they learn the value of money. By making them earn it, you would also be teaching them how to save up to make that big purchase.

They can earn the money by doing chores they don't already do regularly. Things like cleaning their room are basic things that they are already responsible for so those don't count. To earn money it should be for doing additional chores which are usually not done.

You can start practising this from the time they're in primary school because they understand from then and they would have been buying things from the canteen at this age. So, they would understand the value of money. At any earlier age, such as preschoolers, they are just beginning to understand that you need to use money in order to buy things."

Traditional vs western medicine

Posted by: Brigitte Rozario Post(s) by this blogger

In Malaysia, a lot of people rely on western as well as traditional medicine and herbal remedies. Some swear by a particular concoction to get rid of the flu. Others insist traditional medicine is not safe at all.

Here, we have a mother and a paediatrician sharing their personal opinions on the matter.

Luie Chong, mother of one child aged 4+

Chong and her daughter.

I usually don't give my daughter antibiotics. I just let her try to recover on her own if it's a slight cold. I just give her more water, barley to drink and vegetables to eat.

My daughter also likes to eat cooked garlic. She can even eat one whole clove. I was very surprised but I've been told it's good for the immune system. Hopefully that will keep her healthy, too.

Plus, she loves to eat vegetables. She eats a lot and all kinds too - broccoli, cabbage and other types. She also likes to eat fruits.

If she can recover fast, then it's okay. If it looks like her cold is getting worse, then I will consult the doctor. If after five days, she's not getting better, I'll take her to the doctor, that is if there is no fever.

However, if she has a fever then I will give her paracetamol but still no antibiotics. This is because I was advised by the paediatrician not to give my child antibiotics so soon as it will only make her immune system weaker.

I follow the doctor's advice. I also try not to give her too much medicine and hope that she can try to heal herself but of course if she's getting worse I will take her to the doctor.

I don't practise this for myself. I have sinus problems and I know the cause and what I need to do to rectify the problem. I have been taking antibiotics and western medicine from young so there's no point for me to stop now.

For my daughter, it's different. From the time she was a baby up till now we still haven't given her antibiotics in the hope that she will recover on her own.

How long we keep this up depends on how she is once she starts going to school. If she has to take the medicine and antibiotics then we will give her that.

Paediatrician Dr Hon Mun Cheng:

Dr Hon

I'm really not for traditional medicine because I myself don't take it. A lot of parents still use a bit of traditional medicine.

I would say if you want to, then do it with caution but definitely not for children below one year old. Every individual has a different reaction to traditional as well as western medicine. But western medicine has been tested and studied and so many individuals have already tried it - so it's recognised, there's evidence that it works. However, traditional medicine is not recognised, there's no big study done on it. So, you can try giving it to your child but with caution because anything might happen.

We have seen a lot of patients who have tried traditional medicine and there were some adverse effects, some even resulted in seizures.

Some children even had seizures after taking spirulina supplements.

The seizures were so bad that the child went into a coma. After a few days without that supplement, the child recovered. So, you just have to be careful. Don't overdo it.

The marketing people who sell these supplements tend to make claims which are not evidence based. They might say it's perfectly safe and they will be so convincing that parents believe them.

A child's liver and kidneys are not as developed as those of an adult. The blood-brain barrier which protects the brain is not as formed as adults'. So, what happens is a lot of these supplements don't get metabolised by the liver because the liver is already overloaded. As a result, toxins are generated and they pass into the brain and cause seizures.

I think it's better that they don't try traditional medicine before going to the doctor. I would advise them to see the doctor first and determine what is the problem. If the doctor says you can continue with your traditional medicine, then carry on.

Traditional medicine doesn't go through any drug administration authority like the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and supplements don't go through stringent testing.

So, it's very dangerous because a lot of things are just classified as supplements and they are not scrutinised.

Some of the chinese traditional medicine specialist put everything in powder form and some of these formulas have steroids.

What happens is if an asthmatic child takes it, it will reduce his asthma. But if he takes it over a period of time, you will be able to see the effects on the child - he is chubby but that fat is not healthy fat, it's steroid-induced chubbiness, and the skin is thin.

It's not good in the long run because it causes Cushing's Syndrome which leads to high-blood pressure and other symptoms.

A lot of people are misleading the consumers. It's not true that traditional medicine is safer than modern medicine. You have to be careful. Check with your doctor if it is safe and especially stay away from any traditional medicine which is in powder form.

Nobody can claim that taking a supplement will prevent you from ever getting cancer or heart problems. We cannot predict that and neither can the traditional medicine specialists. We are not God.
