

07 December 2010

Kesan penggunaan warna dinding terhadap pembelajaran murid-murid

Prasekolah Baiduri kini sedang dalam proses pembaharuan 'wajah'. Konsep tahun 2011 lebih menekankan konsep keceriaan, kegembiraan dan keseronokan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Seperti yang kita tahu, penggunaan warna dinding dalam kelas memainkan peranan penting bagi memastikan murid-murid dapat belajar secara tenang, tenteram, ceria, memberikan 'mood' yang baik dan seterusnya memberikan tumpuan pembelajaran yang ebih berfokus. Warna dinding yang telah dipilih ialah warna hijau dan merah jambu.

Mengikut artikel yang dibaca, setiap warna memberikan kesan dan 'mood' yang berbeza kepada individu:
Gerbera, Bright Red on White (detail)

Red- Red has a multitude of effects on people: It increases the appetite, can be motivating, and can make people feel warmer (literally).
Blue Balls
Blue- A favorite for bedrooms, studies have shown that blue rooms help people think better. Blue is a great color for either boys or girls, and can be paired with either warm or cool colors.

A Cluster of Bright Green Shamrocks
Green- Green is a great color because it can be both warm and cool. It is a calming color, and studies show that time seems to pass more quickly while in a room painted green.

Yellow and Gold
Yellow- Studies show that yellow can actually make people cranky after a long period of time. It is perfect for a sunny playroom, but you may want to skip it as a bedroom.

Orange Zinnia
Orange-Studies show orange stimulates the appetite (is that why my son is always hungry?) Because of its strong vibrant color, orange needs to be paired with a contrasting color, such as blue, to help tone it down.

Purple Tulips
Purple- This color is often highly fashionable, or highly out of fashion. It never seems to fall in between. Purple, the color of royalty, also promotes independence. Purple can be paired with lime greens for a fresh, contrasting room, or paired with pinks and reds for a vibrant color scheme.

Minimalist Flowers in Pink III
Pink- Depending on the shade you select, this color can be associated as active and outgoing (think fuchsia) or relaxing (think petal pink).

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